Tuesday, 18 March 2014

7 nights of sleep!

Well two weeks after I began the so called sleep training with Joshua. It's the 18th March and I've just had my 7th night of Joshua SLEEPING through the night! 

What a strange feeling to not feel exhausted at the start of a day! What a refreshing feeling to actually want to jump out of bed and start the day!

When I say sleeping through the night, I really do mean pretty much all night (6.30pm- 7pm all the way to 4.30am- 5am). All without any night feeds. I would of course now aim to get him going till 6.30am or 7am. However that will come, especially with clocks going forward at the end of the month!;D

For us we got there with minimal crying, and it worked text book. I know with some babies it can be more distressing and more crying is involved.  However if you feel your baby is just waking for comfort and they are eating solids I would really recommend giving this a go.  I am so glad we did!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Joshua slept through the night (Over 9hrs!).

As you are aware I started trying to "Sleep Train' my 7 month old baby boy just over a week ago.  The first night was the Monday 3rd March.

As you can see from previous entries, there was an immediate improvement after the first night.

I still thought I may be confusing baby by giving him milk on his first wake up, but not the rest, so from Sunday 9th, I cut out giving milk after bedtime completely.

Please Note: I am confident he's eating good three meals in the day time as well as snacks, he's also having 21 oz of formula, throughout the day, and also a breast feed first thing in the morning.

So, the first night of doing this, (Sunday 9th March) Joshua woke up at 11pm, he cried for small time, but settled back down without milk.  Unfortunately he woke Ollie up and at the time I didn't know how long he would take to settle, so Oliver and I swapped rooms.   Joshua then didn't wake until 4.30am, however I didn't need to go into him, as he just settled after whinging a little.  He then woke at 6.10am, so I brought him into bed for a breastfeed.

The second night, Monday 10th March, Joshua stirred around 11pm and 1am, he didn't cry for long periods, I did go in, to shh and pat, but he settled relatively quickly.  He then woke at 5.30am, and I took him for a breast feed.

So, last night, the third night, 11th March, Joshua did an amazing 6.45pm to 4.30am!  So I am pretty sure that can be classed as 'Sleeping through the night'!

So that would be 9 nights after initial start of sleep training, and Joshua has been transformed from waking every 2-3 hrs through the night and feeding, to not feeding in the night at all, and doing a stretch of 9hrs 45 Mins!  

I hope it continues, but I feel we are definitely on the right track :)

Friday, 7 March 2014

Sleep Training Night 5

Night 5

Hi, well, baby boy went to bed at 7pm, fine, he did for some reason wake up crying after about half an hour or so, but I settled him back down with some shhh and pats.

The next wake up was midnight, so that was quite a long stretch.  I didn't know whether to give him milk or not, but in the end I did give him a bottle of formula which he fully drank.

He next woke up at 4.30am.   I settled him down without milk, by doing the method of shhh'ing and patting, and then leaving for a few minutes.   However it got to 5.15am, and I thought, well perhaps he is feeling a bit hungry, and it IS the morning now, so I  breastfed him, not sure I should have really, but then by 5.30am he was settled back down in his cot, and slept till 6.30am.

So not sure if that was a very successful night or not.  He did do two reasonable long stretches.  Yes.  I mean its definitely better, than when he was waking up 2-3hrs and I was boob feeding him every time.

I just don't know if this is going to work, if I am still giving him the feed at 11pm ish when he first wakes.  

We shall see.....

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Sleep training has begun! Night 1

My baby boy is now 7 months, and he is still waking frequently throughout the night.  He was exclusively breastfed for 5 months, and afterwards I introduced a bottle of formula here and there, but the majority of the feeds were breast.

During the last week, I have stopped feeding him myself during the day-time and have moved onto formula.  I am keeping one breastfeed per day, which is working out to be early morning, or afternoon, or both.

He is having at least three 7oz bottles of formula throughout the day-time, plus he is having three meals a day, plus snacks and pudding.    In  my honest opinion I do not feel that he can be hungry during the night time, especially as he also is having a bottle of formula upon his first waking at 11pm approximately.  

Up until recently I have just been feeding him every time he wakes up, usually, 11pm, maybe 2am, 4am, 6am etc...  It is noteworthy that before I introduced the extra formula my boy was also waking about 9.30pm (after going to bed at 7pm).

I'm going back to work in just under two months, and I really want to get Joshua's night waking sorted so that he sleeps through.  I actually don't believe for one minute he is actually hungry.  I think he's waking out of habit as this is what he has always done!

So, here we go embarking on "Sleep Training".   

So, what method am I using?  I dont want to use CIA, which I believe is where you do literally just let the baby cry on his own until he falls asleep.  However I am going to do a version of Controlled Crying, where I comfort him when he cries, by patting, stroking, shhh'ing, (but not picking up) and then leave for 3 mins/5 mins/10 Mins.   

There are many people that that do not agree with sleep training, and will just respond to their babies needs by feeding/cuddling to sleep whenever they wake.  This is essentially what I have been doing for the last 7 months. However its come to a point now, where I genuinely feel it's time to help Joshua learn  that night time is for sleeping.   I feel that my home will be happier and healthy once we are ALL getting a good nights rest.

Night 1 - Monday 3rd March 2013

I gave Joshua a bottle of formula at about 6.30pm and he settled straight down to sleep (put awake in cot, and he settles extremely well at bedtime, always has).

He woke up at 11pm, and at the moment I am still giving him some formula at this time, just to make sure he is full up for the rest of the night.  He did drink most of the 7oz bottle.

Baby went back to sleep in his cot pretty much straight away, after the bottle and nappy change.

Off I went back to sleep in my bed.  Then, Joshua woke up and cried for me about 2am.  So, this time, I didn't want to settle him with Milk and I want him to settle himself.  So I went in, comforted him with a pat and a shhh....and then left for a few minutes, then went back to comfort.  He was upset and was crying and it was getting very loud, which made me feel really anxious.  However I knew I had to see this through!  He'd only had 7oz of formula 3hrs ago!

Unfortunately, Oliver woke up, and it really was too noisy for him to sleep (as they share a room) so I told Oliver to go in my bed, which is where he stayed for the rest of the night.... so hopefully I am not solving one sleep problem and making another!!!

Tonight I am going to get a little ready bed in my room, so he can go in there if Joshua cries loudly and wakes him up.

Anyway, so by 3am Joshua had gone back to sleep.  Yes, an hour of going back and fourth comforting him, but he did indeed go back to sleep.  Hoorah.   However, only till 4.40am, he started crying again, and I thought, ohhhh noo not again, but he stopped all on his own and was quiet again until 5.30am, which I decided it was reasonable to give him a feed then, so I took him into my bed and breastfed him, and we kind of dosed till 6.10am, when Oliver woke up.  We all stayed in bed together until 7am.

So, what will tonight bring?  I have just popped Joshua upstairs in the cot and he is fussy and stirring a bit but will hopefully settle in a moment.

Sleep training Night 3

Well, not a bad night!  Joshua went to bed perfectly at 7pm.   His first waking was a little earlier than usual, at 9.40pm.  I decided to give him his top up milk at that time, but he was so sleepy actually, didn't take a full bottle of formula.  He went straight back to sleep in his cot afterwards.

Interestingly, Joshua woke up several times during the night, around 12.30am, 2am, 4.30am, however each time he woke up, I just left it for a few minutes and he self settled himself!  There was no prolonged crying episodes like the first night we tried this between 2am and 3am!

When he woke up at 4.30am, I was considering feeding him, but he settled back down on his own quickly.  He woke up babbling at 5.30am, and by this time he'd been almost 8 hours with out a feed, so I brought him into bed and breast fed him, and guess what we both fell asleep until about 6.30am.

Now, I feel really bad about this, as I don't want him to now want to come into my bed in the night :(   So, I am considering to either sit up and feed him, and make sure I put him back in the cot, or give him a bottle of formula at this time instead.

Oh and the great news is, Oliver, my 5 year old didn't hear him at all in the night and was able to sleep soundly in his own bed all night :)

Having gone 8 hrs without a feed, I am convinced that my baby boy is NOT hungry in the night!

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Sleep Training Night 2

Night 2  - 4th March 2014

As usual Joshua settled to bed after a bottle of formula, at 7pm.

He first woke up at 11.30pm, I gave him some more milk (formula), and he settled back down very quickly, not waking Oliver up.

He was definitely back asleep by midnight, more like 11.45pm.

So, I went back to sleep, and the next time I heard from him, it was 4.35am! Still very early, but that was great as it was longer than last night!

I was debating should I, or should I not feed him then, but as it was almost 5am, and he'd been 5hrs without a milk feed, I thought I'd better.  So he had a breast feed.  I then popped him back in cot and he fussed, and did wake Oliver up, who was sent into the little sponge bed in my room!

Joshua fussed for another 40 mins or so, but then he fell asleep by 5.30am, however he was awake again at 6.30am, which at that time I thought it was reasonable to get up with him!

So, so far so good, let's bring on tonight!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Half term fun

So, we are half way through half term, and haven't we been busy! Today's adventures included the usual clean up and tidy in the morning, followed by a quick visit to the Sling Library at Kiddicare, Chanel gave us some gorgeous clothes for Joshua, including a coat, a jumper and some lovely jeans and a pair of cord trousers.  It is very kind of her, so thank you Chanel!

Then we were on our way to Blaise Castle again for a walk!  We then popped over to Tesco's to get Oliver a drink, and I popped in to Costa to get a Chai latte, to take with me!

At Blaise today, we went up a muddy stairway, to find one of the caves, Butchers cave, which is a man-made cave, which looks a bit spooky!  We followed the path upwards and came out on the grassy hill where the 'Castle' or 'Folly' is.  Oliver has been inside before a few years ago, but it wasn't open to go inside today, but still looked lovely from the outside.

We then walked down to the main path, and walked alongside the river for another 20 mins or so.  It was nice, and I feel its been good for us to get the fresh air.

We then went to Oliver's dental appointment, and guess what? It turns out my big 6 year old is the one that is teething!  The dentist saw that his adult teeth at the back have cut through!  He hasn't been complaining though!  

My friend Serena had mentioned that you can buy Chai latte from Tesco's, so we popped into get some, before heading home.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

More half term fun!

Oliver on deck of SS Great Britain
Its been a nice couple of days spent with my children. Yesterday we went to the SS Great Britain.   I thought Oliver would find it really interesting, however he was just so terrified of the models, and couldn't wait to get off the ship!  We saw Oliver's friend Genevieve which was nice.

We did have a nice time though in the main!  We went to collect Mikey afterwards and then all went back home.  It was nice to have Mikey off work.

Oliver feeding Joshua like a little lamb at the farm!

Today has been a really lovely sunny day.  I did cleaning in the morning, Mike left about 10am, as he had to go back to his flat to sleep as working tonight. Oliver and I had some early lunch and then we decided to go to Tyntesfield for a walk around.

It was really nice, and relaxing to walk around the gardens, and we went in the house and chapel, which we couldn't do last time, so it was a great day!  Oliver also was able to make a snail out of willow in the orangery.  It was lovely to sit in the rose garden while Oliver explored. We were both very tired from all the walking, we were only there from about 1pm - 3.30pm, but it made a very nice afternoon indeed.  

This evening we saw the International Space Station again, it was a great pass, lasting about 5 mins!

Sunday, 16 February 2014

A delightful sunny day! At Last!

Today has been a gorgeous sunny day!  It's been a long time since we've seen a sunny dry day, with all this rainy weather and I had to make the most of it!

Well; we did have to go to Tesco's to get some nappies and food, but after lunch I took Joshua (As Oliver has been with his father today), to Blaise Castle Estate.  It's one of those places that we have been to so many times, and it kind of bores me as its the same old place, however it was particularly glorious today.

We sat on the steps by the house, basking in the sun, Joshua was asleep for a bit in the sling but then woke up, and he really enjoyed feeling the warmth from the sun, and watching all the kids playing and dogs running around.  I had nipped to Costa on way, so I was enjoying a Chai Latte, which is a new drink they do that I have taken a fancy too.  Kind of a milky spicy drink, with no coffee.  

We sat there for over an hour, just enjoying the sun.  Then about 3.30pm we decided to go for a little walk down into the woods and the river.  We went a bit further than we had intended too, but only half an hour in total.  We could have definitely have stayed later, but it was getting late so I thought best to get Joshie home for his tea.

Mike has been sleeping today, so regrettably has missed out on this gorgeous day out.   

I had been feeling, and still am to a degree a little sad, and I really haven't felt like this since before Joshua was born.  Just feel a little low.  The sun has helped, I feel a little better, but still feel a bit shadowed by the cloud at the moment.  I hope it passes soon.

My friend Nick just made me aware on facebook that the International  Space Station will be passing over tonight at 6.30pm, so we went out to see it, and it was amazing, I have never seen it before, it just few across the sky, I am so pleased I saw it, however really gutted that Oliver had just arrived home, as it was almost gone completely, and then was asleep so didnt get out of the car quickly enough.  What a shame.

So, Sunday night,  going to watch 'Call the Midwife' and have some soup in a bit after I have made Ollie some tea.  Night night!

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Valentines day 2014

Ah Valentines day.....(well yesterday)

This morning I took Joshua to Little Hedgehogs play group and it was really lovely.  We came home with a single red rose, which was a lovely gesture.  It might be the only flower I get this year, as I told Mikey not to bother with anything this 14th February, other than a card.  Mikey is on his way to me now, so we will soon find out!

* * *

No.....no flowers.  Sad. lol

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Thoughts of the day

I was hoping today that the photographs that mum has printed and sent to me, would arrive, so I could get on with making my scrap book pages of Joshua's birth, they didn't come, but hopefully will tomorrow.

The day started off rainy and miserable, I came home straight away after the school run, and had a nice bowl of Dorset Cereal, which felt more healthy than the maple pancakes I had yesterday!

I Joshua had a bad night last night, he woke up about five times or more, so after the school run he was so tired, he fell asleep for almost two and a half hours!  I must admit I had a little snooze in bed too for the last hours of his nap :)

In the afternoon, Anna asked if I wanted to go to Tesco's, which I did feel like getting out of the house for half an hour, so we met at tesco's.  I got some a cauli and a broccoli to make more of Joshua's favourite (Broc and Cauli cheese!).

I called the the vicar at St Chad's church, to ask about potentially getting Joshua christened.  He said it should be fine as we are linked to the church through the school, however he needs to check to see if Bradley Stoke church were okay with it, as its not my parish.

Oliver had his cello lesson this afternoon and he did fantastically, he is really coming along.  I think we will have to purchase a cello sooner or later as hiring it per month is really pricey.

Mike is at work yet again, as is the usual situation.  He is off Friday, which is valentines day.  We have said not to bother with presents this year, but hopefully I will get a card ;) and maybe some flowers? ;)

Tried to start my 1200 calorie diet today, currently have 6 calories left, and haven't had tea yet....however I am starving, so cooking some pasta, so will be over my calorie goal today...!

Got both boys to bed just before 7pm, going to watch Eastenders now, night x

Monday, 10 February 2014

A lovely day in the end

Well, despite feeling a little blue earlier, the day turned out to be very lovely indeed.  I had forgotten that I had a hair appointment, so went over to Trish's next door, who got rid of all my dark roots, so that was good!  Then I went over to Anna's who had a lovely Polish salad and bread waiting for me, it was so delicious!  Had a lovely catch up with Anna, and the babies played :)
Joshie's new balaclava

Anna gave me a lovely blue baby balaclava for Joshua it is so cute!
Oliver's Cello Practice 

I then picked up Ollie from after school club (Multi sports). We came home, Oliver had a shower, had a biscuit and then he did a good cello practice without moaning at all. He practised to the music cd and did really well.

I am now feeding the boys, Oliver is having roast dinner cooked by Grandma E, delicious! Joshua is also having chicken, in a purée :)   I will have my roast dinner later on tonight when boys are in bed.
I do love my boys so much.   Mikey is at work tonight, so it's just me and the boys tonight.  

Joshua ate the whole pot of tomato chicken purée tonight!  He must have been hungry.  He didn't think much of his lovely Lentils this afternoon at Anna's house!

Feeling blue

I have just gone over to the nursery that Joshua will be going to in May, to pay the deposit, well most of it.  £625 to be precise, thank you Mikey for dropping round the £500 notes this morning!

Anyway, feeling so sad that I am going to be leaving our little Joshie there to go to work.  I wish I could just stay with him and didn't have to go back to work....   I am worried that I haven't chosen the right nursery, although it has good reviews from friends.  I can't help feeling sad he isn't going to the same nursery that Oliver went to, however I didn't choose that one due to the location.

I popped into Asda to get some electricity and bread afterwards.  My lovely friend Anna was going to pop in for tea and chat, but I totally forgot that I had a hair appointment with Trish and 12, so we've had to postpone.   

Joshua is upstairs asleep and I am eating maple pancakes, yum.


Sunday, 9 February 2014

Getting Crafty!

After many years of neglecting all my crafty things and creative and artistic 'talents', I have decided to get it all out and start up again!  There's been some motivation from my mate Anna that's for sure, as if she hadn't shown an interest, and then spent a few hundreds on new equipment, I don't know whether I would have had the 'push' to start thinking about it all again!

So, today as mentioned in latest entry I bought an embossing machine, so I can add quality to plain cards with pretty patterns.  I tried it out, and did this little card as a quickie.

So I just have to hope one of my mates has a baby boy soon, so I can give it to some one, I don't know anyone expecting at the moment so it may be a while :)

I am just waiting for my big boy to come home, I have bathed Joshua and he is currently fallen asleep on my back in the sling, well in one of my slings! The Didymos Gecko's wrap to be precise.  

* * * 

Both boys are tucked up in bed now, and I am about to have some soup and watch 'Call the Midwife', which is usually very sad and has be blubbing.

Edge of Glory?

Well it's Sunday night and it's been a pleasant weekend spent with me and my boys, even though the weather has been diabolical.  Yesterday I stayed in all day, but got lots of house work done, today has been really busy, this is how it went....

This morning, we made a visit to 'Edge Church', after going to the Little Hedgehogs baby group for 4/5 months, which the lovely Edge ladies run, I thought I would go along and see what the Edge Church is all about.

I knew vaguely what to expect, as I had previously done research into what kind of church it is, largely pentecostal.  However, actually being thrown into it, was some what of a culture shock.

Joshua was lent some Ear Protectors, since the praise and worship is really loud.  Here is a picture of him from this morning.
Melissa and Joshie

So anyway, yes the music was loud, there was much audience participation throughout the teachings, lots of clapping and dancing.  Every one was very happy. Everyone was also extremely welcoming, so a big thank you.

Will I go again?  I am not sure, it's not what I am used to when it comes to church, and I feel some what closer to god in my own church, that I am familiar with.  Although I absolutely love music, I am not really a hugely outgoing person when it comes to joining in with dancing and singing, so I don't think I would ever particularly love this part of it.  Saying that, historically I have always been up front of gigs dancing, usually after a few drinks though lol.

It was a remarkable atmosphere, and there was lots of energy in the room, clearly.  Just not sure it's for us in all honesty.

So after church, I went shopping and I was a little naughty.... put it this way going into Hobby Craft, really is fatal lol.   I went in to merely grab and archivable pen for my journalling, I came out with an embossing machine! (Plus the pen and some cards!).    I have spent the afternoon looking through my craft stuff and trying out the embossing machine, very happy :)

I also bought a four draw storage unit from poundstretcher.

Happy Days x

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Just a few years gone by!

So, it's been over two years that I last made an entry, and what a lot has changed since!

I now have a second son, Joshua, who is 6 months old, he is in my, probably biased opinion the most gorgeous, little thing imaginable, and such a content little pickle!

He came into the world on the 26th July 2013, and I am glad to say the experience of having him was a lot better than his big brother, and I got through it with just gas an air and no complications.

Oliver is now at school and doing wonderfully with his reading and writing.  He is also learning to play the cello now!

I am on maternity leave now, but am going back to work on the 1st May, feeling quite upset about this, but I know very well nursery will be good for Joshua.

I am just getting back into my crafting/scrap booking after having left all the equipment abandoned in the back room for several years!  I need to finish Oliver's book, and I made a start on some pages for Joshua tonight.  I've got the bug again - inspired by my friend Anna who is card making now!

Little Oliver is at his fathers tonight, always feel a little depressed when he's away. Joshie is asleep upstairs in his cot, I just watched the Voice UK.   Will go to bed soon and try to read some more of the Ronnie Biggs Auto Biog, I have nearly finished on the kindle.

Mike is at work.
