Monday, 10 February 2014

Feeling blue

I have just gone over to the nursery that Joshua will be going to in May, to pay the deposit, well most of it.  £625 to be precise, thank you Mikey for dropping round the £500 notes this morning!

Anyway, feeling so sad that I am going to be leaving our little Joshie there to go to work.  I wish I could just stay with him and didn't have to go back to work....   I am worried that I haven't chosen the right nursery, although it has good reviews from friends.  I can't help feeling sad he isn't going to the same nursery that Oliver went to, however I didn't choose that one due to the location.

I popped into Asda to get some electricity and bread afterwards.  My lovely friend Anna was going to pop in for tea and chat, but I totally forgot that I had a hair appointment with Trish and 12, so we've had to postpone.   

Joshua is upstairs asleep and I am eating maple pancakes, yum.


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