Tuesday, 17 March 2015

What can Joshua say at 20 months old?

Hello!  No, this isn't some pretentious blog entry where I am boasting about how clever my toddler is.  BUT I do rather like to compare and talk about how my child and friends children are developing.  

I think Joshua is about average.  Certainly not more.  When my first son was 18 months old he was definitely putting two words together, and had more words than Joshua does right now.

So yesterday I decided to have a count up of what words Josh can say.  The grand total is 56.

Animal Words
  1. Dog (makes woof sound too)
  2. Cat
  3. Sheep (Makes baa baa sound  too)
  4. Horse (Makes Neigh Sounds too)
  5. Tiger 
  6. Goat
  7. Cow (Makes Moo sound too)
  8. Giraffe 
  9. Duck (Makes quack sound too)
  10. Fish
Body Parts
  1. Eye/s
  2. Nose
  3. Ear
  4. Hair
  5. Cheeks
  6. Mouth
  7. Knee
  8. Belly
  9. Bum
  10. Booby
  11. Feet
  12. Teeth
Food related
  1. Cake
  2. Biscuit
  3. Cake
  4. Hot
  5. Spoon
  6. Bowl
  1. Oliver (baarbaar)
  2. Mummy
  3. Dada
  1. Bike
  2. Hello
  3. Bye
  4. Night Night
  5. No
  6. Ball
  7. Shoe
  8. Coat
  9. More
  10. Mine
  11. Gone
  12. Tumble (Mr)
  13. Car
  14. Beep Beep
  15. Row Row (boat)
  16. Phone
  17. Walk
  18. Down
  19. Go
  20. Cuddle
  21. Poo Poo
  22. Wee Wee
  23. Hat
  24. Uh-oh
  25. Owww!
I can't wait for Josh to start talking in sentences, so we can have real little conversations!  His understanding is great, he pretty much understands everything.  Although sometimes I wonder about his comprehension of the word "No"......!

I'll write an update again when Josh is 2 years old, to see how many more words he has learnt!


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